ValhallaRoom Tips and Tricks: Gated Reverbs

Generating a gated reverb sound with ValhallaRoom is easy:

  • Set the DEPTH control to 0%, so that only the Early reverb is heard.
  • Set PREDELAY to 0.0 msec, so that the gated sound is generated by the Early energy only (the PREDELAY can be set higher for gated echos).
  • Set Early Diffusion to 100%, for maximum echo density.
  • Use Early Size to dial in the desired gate length in milliseconds.
  • Adjust High Cut for desired brightness
  • Use Early Mod Rate and Early Mod Depth to add chorusing to the gated reverb sound

Here’s a preset for a 150 msec gate. Copy the entire text, including the < and > tags at the beginning and end, and use the “Paste from clipboard” option in the Presets menu to bring the preset into ValhallaRoom.

[sourcecode language=”xml”]

<ValhallaRoom pluginVersion="1.0.5" presetName="Gate150msec" mix="1" predelay="0" decay="0.0190190189" HighCut="1" earlyLateMix="0" lateSize="0.5" lateCross="1" lateModRate="0.0909090936" lateModDepth="0.5" RTBassMultiply="0.333333343" RTXover="0.0909090936" RTHighMultiply="0.444444478" RTHighXover="0.530201316" earlySize="0.14914915" earlyCross="0.119999997" earlyModRate="0.0909090936" earlyModDepth="0" earlySend="0" diffusion="1" type="0"/>

Comments (2)

  • Cassius

    Thank you for this …. do any of the reverb presets or algorithms work well to create the stone room sound, which was the recording environment for many of the gated reverb drum sounds?

  • Sean,I’m looking to get the AMX NONLIN 2 vibe for drums, I own Valhalla verb and I can get a great gate FX,but I’m searching for that AMX sound,any tips?


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