Valhalla Freq Echo
Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful.
Freq Echo is perfect for dub, Dr. Who, and all of your psychedelic needs.
Bode-Style Frequency Shifter + Analog Echo Emulation create surprising sonic effects. Subtle chorusing and double tracking to barberpole phasing and flanging to endless glissandos and runaway echos.
New in 1.2.0: VST3, signed & notarized installers that are ready for Big Sur, signed Windows installer!
New in 1.2.8 (for Mac): Intel/M1/M2/M3/M4 native Mac builds – ready for Sequoia
Plugin UI

A quick demo of what Valhalla FreqEcho will do to a drop of water.
Hear it in action
See what people are saying
“Amazing delay fun from affordable-yet-awesome plugin purveyors, Valhalla”
Read MoreSpecifications
Current Version: 1.2.8
New since 1.2.5 (Mac only):
- Native M1/M2 AAX build
New since 1.2.0 update:
- New Mac installer, with Intel and Apple Silicon builds (for working on Intel Macs as well as M1)
New since 1.1.5 update:
- Bug fix, to deal with channel issue in Live
New since 1.0.5 update:
- VST3
- Ready for Big Sur
- Signed & notarized installers for Mac
- Signed installers for Windows
- 64-bit only
ValhallaDSP plugins are self documenting. Just roll over the controls to read the tool tip on the bottom left of the plugin.
For each plugin, I also write blog posts (see below) with product overviews, tips and tricks. Here are the blog posts for Valhalla Freq Echo:
Video Tutorial from James Muir (thank you James!)
If you have questions, please head to Support.
- Windows: Windows 7/8/10/11
- Plugin formats: 64-bit VST2.4/VST3/AAX
- Mac: OSX 10.9/10.10/10.11, macOS 10.12/10.13/10.14/10.15, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma, Sequoia
- Mac processors: Intel/M1/M2/M3/M4
- Plugin Formats: 64-bit VST2.4/VST3/AAX/AU