We are happy to announce the latest Valhalla plugin, ValhallaSupermassive!

ValhallaSupermassive is based around feedback delay networks. The individual delays can have up to 2 second of delay time, with user control over the delay lengths, the feedback, how the delays mix with each other, and the modulation rate and depth of the delays. The sonic results range from choruses and flangers, to echoes that fade in and out over time, to massive lush reverbs, and onwards to weird spatial effects that have to be heard to be believed.
ValhallaSupermassive has a bunch of concepts in it that we’ve had in mind over the past decade, that have been looking for a home. Echoes that are too weird for ValhallaDelay, reverbs that are too massive for a general purpose plugin, strange sounds that defy categorization. We are happy to release these sounds into the world!
Oh, and did we mention that ValhallaSupermassive is FREE? Well, it’s FREE!!! No strings attached. Just download, install, and start making music!
Thanks so much for this Sean.
Love it. Thanks Sean!
This is fantastic! The preset Vger went immediately into a song that sound like an old SciFi series theme. Fits perfectly. There’s a place for unnatural spaces.
An amazing sounding plugin – and so very generous! Thank you!
Super huge THANK YOU!!!
PS. I have all your stuff and love it!
Thank you 🙂
Thank you for this!!!
I love your Shimmer and Delay!
Many thanks for this amazing sound design tool!
As a long time customer and user of Valhalla plugins, I want to express my deepest (dare I say it, “supermassive”) gratitude for the gift of this free plugin. All your plugins are of extraordinary high value and quality and fun-ness. Thank you.
Thanks! It’s so much fun to play with; on almost any sound or instrument!
Thanks mate this is really kind to give us such a great plugin for free.We use your plugins on nearly all our tracks.Somerville & Wilson. Hellyeah recording artists
Nice plugin ! Thank you!
a Very welcome new sound world, thanks a bunch for offering this as a free download!
This is great … thank you so much !
This is wonderful! Thanks! Just combining it with my Moog Mother-32 opens up a whole lot of new sounds.
What a nice surprise! Thanks!
Thanks so much for this, it sounds great!
Thank you for making this free! I can’t believe how nice it sounds. Beautiful plugin.
awesome, thankyou
Love this plugin, thanks!
WOWW!! Amazing!!! THANK YOUUUU!!!
Wow Sean, thank you so much!
Grazie di cuore a tutti gli amici di Valhalla DSP!
Thank you, wonderful sounding! 🙏
🙂 Stellar!
thank you so much!
the sound is way awesome
thank you so much for this beast plugin
Wow! So impressed with the quality of this free download. I have this running with a Arturia V-Piano plug-in and its as close to that Blade Runner sound I’ve dreamed of. I’ve had a Meris Mercury, Strymon Big Sky & Blue Sky and this does not disappoint! Super smooth and zero white noise running through my signal chain. I never thought I would take a break from stomp boxes but this plug-in has changed my mind. Thank, thank you for the gift:)
With regards, Mat
Thank you. Sounds great. Testing with Luna this weekend.
Cirrus Major, Cirrus Minor, good play on the old Pink Floyd song! Sounds great too!
Thank you Sean!! Your plugs are truly excellent and make magic happen. 🌷✌️
Fn excellent. Thank you, Sean!