ValhallaSupermassive 2.5.0 Update. Two new Modes: Scorpio and Libra!

This month marks the 2.5 year anniversary of ValhallaSupermassive. To celebrate the occasion, we’re releasing the 2.5.0 update, with two new reverb / delay Modes: Scorpio and Libra.

ValhallaSupermassive Mode: Scorpio

The Scorpio mode is similar to the Gemini mode in many ways: fast attack, rapid build of echo density, more of a “conventional” reverb. The feedback path in Scorpio is very different than Gemini with lower DENSITY settings, and can sound like a complex ping-pong delay. The Low EQ and High EQ filters in Scorpio are included within the feedback paths, versus outside the feedback path like in the Gemini mode.

These are seemingly subtle changes, but they make a HUGE sonic difference. The complex feedback path in Scorpio creates a lot of stereo width, as well as a more “open” frequency response. By incorporating the High EQ filters into the feedback paths, the Scorpio mode can create far more realistic reverb sounds, where the high frequencies decay away over time. The Low EQ filters can be used to take out a little bit of the low frequencies for a less boomy reverb decay, or can shave off a lot of the low end for a reverb that gets thinner sounding as it decays away.

ValhallaSupermassive Mode: Libra

The Libra mode in ValhallaSupermassive has a somewhat slower attack than Scorpio, and can sound like a delay at 4X the displayed DELAY length when WARP and DENSITY are both at zero. Turn up the WARP control, and Libra quickly transforms into a very lush reverb, with balanced modulation. The DENSITY control will start to bring in shorter recirculating delays, and is very useful in smoothing out the reverb attack and decay. Every delay within the Libra mode is filtered by Low EQ and High EQ filters within the feedback paths.

The upshot of all of the above: the Libra mode is the best mode in ValhallaSupermassive for lush modulated reverbs with a natural decay. The Low EQ is useful for filtering as much low frequency content as you do or don’t need. The High EQ creates organic high frequency damping. The balanced modulation results in smooth sounding chorusing.

Best Uses for Scorpio and Libra: EVERYTHING

There are lots of weird and wonderful echo / reverb modes in ValhallaSupermassive. With Scorpio and Libra, the goal was much simpler: make modes that sound good on everything. The Scorpio mode takes the utility of Gemini, and extends it with precise shaping of the low and high frequencies. The Libra mode extends the high and low frequency shaping into a lusher and denser reverb space. These are perfect reverbs for synths, guitars, vocals, what have you. Scorpio is well suited for shorter / smaller spaces than Libra, due to its inherent shorter initial delay. Libra is a perfect candidate for big halls and ambient music.

Hear the Libra Mode in action

In this track, I’m using the Libra mode for reverb. ValhallaDelay is being used for tape echo and backwards pitch shifting. The mighty Take 5 from Sequential is being used for the synth tracks.

New LATE 2022 Preset folder that features Scorpio and Libra Modes

We’ve included a bunch of presets that use the Scorpio and Libra modes in the LATE 2022 preset folder. You can use them as is, or as a starting point for your own curiosity journey into Supermassive!

ValhallaSupermassive: Now With 18 Original Reverb / Delay Algorithms!

ValhallaSupermassive was originally released on May 19th, 2020, with 8 original echo / reverb modes. Since that time, we have added 10 additional modes, for a total of 18 as of today. We added 4 modes added in 2021 (Cirrus Major, Cirrus Minor, Cassiopeia and Orion) that tended towards the weird and experimental. In contrast, the 4 modes we have added in 2022 (Scorpio and Libra, plus Aquarius and Pisces in May 2022) have extended Supermassive into more practical and eminently useable directions. We feel that these last 4 algorithms stand with any algorithms we’ve released in any Valhalla plugin, free or paid.

How To Get ValhallaSupermassive Scorpio and Libra

As always, ValhallaSupermassive is a FREE plugin, available for both Windows and Intel/ARM Macs. Just head on over to the Supermassive page and follow the links! Or go over to our new Demos & Downloads page and grab all of our free plugins, as well as demos for the commercial ones. 

We hope you enjoy the ValhallaSupermassive 2.5.0 update and thanks for your support!

Comments (5)

  • apexmusic

    Thank you guys, this is so supermassive generous!!

  • joerg.mayr

    thank you very much or the great sounding updates!!!!
    best regards,

  • joerg.mayr

    thank you very much or the great sounding updates!!!!
    best regards,

  • joerg.mayr

    thank you very much or the great sounding updates!!!!
    best regards,

  • Alex

    With all sorts of sales happening throughout #MusicTech, this was among the best news items.
    And it’s a useful reminder that some of the best plugins around are available here year-round at a very reasonable price, without a subscription. Or, in this case, at no cost.
    All without the hassle of dealing with iLok.

    Also worth noting that Valhalla plugins have been among the earliest to fully support Apple Silicon. And continued improvements like these are a great sign of a well-run dev shop.

    Hope people keep room in their budget to buy the other Valhalla plugin which just reached a 2.5 release. Or any of your paid plugins, for that matter.

    All this to say: thanks for being on the nice side of music technology!


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